The influence of School environment under Free Primary Education on the quality of education in Liberian public schools in Jorquelleh District, Bong County.
The study sought the influence of school environment on the quality of education in primary schools in Jorquelleh District. School environment was believed to have an influence on the quality of education and was conceptualized into teaching approaches, learning resources and school facilities. Therefore, the study sought to find out the influence of school environment under free primary education on the quality of education in public primary schools in Jorquelleh District. The study was guided by three objectives namely; to find out the influence of teaching approaches on the quality of education in public primary schools in Jorquelleh District; to establish the influence of learning resources on the quality of education in public primary schools in Jorquelleh District and to establish the influence of school facilities on the quality of education of primary schools in Jorquelleh district.
The study was both qualitative and quantitative guided by a cross-sectional survey design involving a number of 154 primary school teachers, 20 principals selected from 20 Public primary schools and one District Education Officer using stratified random sampling techniques. Data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire for teachers, interview guide for Principals and District Education Officer on teaching approaches, learning and school facilities. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations) for further analysis the variables were tested using regression analysis and qualitative data was analyzed through thematic analysis.
The study revealed that teaching approaches predict quality of education. That is teaching approaches have more influence on the quality education in public primary school in Jorquelleh District. Learning resources and school facilities on the other hand do not. It is possible to achieve quality education with the limited resources and the present schools structures.
In conclusion this study showed that teaching approaches are significant predictor of the quality of education in primary schools while learning resources and school facilities are not significant predictors of the quality of education in primary schools in Jorquelleh District. From the study findings, it was recommended that the Ministry of Education, principals and the various stake holders should train and equip teachers with skills for handling large classes through programmes like seminars, workshops, upgrading opportunities that encourage teachers to be effective and to enhance quality education. Instructional materials and school facilities should also be adequately provided by the Ministry of Education, principals and teachers should be encouraged to make use of their immediate environment.